A Basic Guide to Car Maintenance

Car Maintenance

If you have recently passed your driving test and are soon to become a car owner, vehicle maintenance is an essential requirement in order to ensure that the car remains in good working order. Here is a brief description of what is involved in a typical car service, which will provide you with some important background information.

  1. The Engine – Whether powered by gasoline or diesel, the engine is the vehicle’s power plant and it requires regular attention. The engine oil needs to be replaced every 5,000 miles or so, as the engine oil loses some of its critical properties after a few thousand miles, and with affordable car service in Sutton Coldfield, it won’t break the bank to have the car serviced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. Brakes, Steering & Suspension – The brake pads need to be replaced at specific mileage intervals, while the steering should be checked for excessive wear and tear, and the tyres should have adequate tread and be in good condition, with no bulges or tears on the sidewalls.
  3. Engine Cooling System – Most cars have a water-based coolant that flow around the engine, keeping it at operational temperature, and the radiator and hose pipes need to be inspected on a regular basis. The coolant would also contain anti-freeze, which prevents the water from freezing over in sub-zero temperatures, and while the coolant does not need replacing, it should be topped up as and when necessary.

Your car should be serviced according to the manufacturer’s specifications and failure to do this could lead to your warranty being void.