Features To Be Looked Into When Buying Tyres


All automobiles including cars need to be maintained well. Each part of the two or four wheelers must be cared for by following strict safety measures. Tyres, the most vital part of the cars or trucks etc must be purchased with utmost care. Strict checks must be exercised before bringing home the quality pieces from prominent companies including the world famous Avon tyres.

Following tips can be helpful in equipping your car with worthy tyres –

  1. When to buy – Generally the tyres must be purchased after a fixed time period, say one or two years. This gap may be extended if the cars are used on rare occasions. However, you must buy new tyres if the car meets an accident due to bad luck. No chance should be taken for running the car after the automobile meets an accident. It can cause a great damage to the tyres even if the flaw is not visible from outside.
  2. Tyres features – Certain signs are visible on the tyres. Letter P stands for passenger. LT may be interpreted for light truck while other such signs signify the importance of different tyres. Manufacturer or vendor may be consulted for buying the tyres. ‘R’ means radial-ply construction whereas 16 stands for dimensions of the tyres in inches. Generally this is the most common size but many buyers prefer the tyres of higher sizes as per the rims of the automobile.
  3. Size – Width of the relevant tyres must be taken into account while purchasing the ones from any company like Avon Tyres. Tyres with more width give better performance as it facilitates additional traction on the road.
  4. Sidewall height – It must be in proper ratio with the tyres width. A sidewall of fifty five percent as compared to a fifty five tyres is usually recommended. Sidewall damage can be reduced with squat tyres but their wider bottoms may cause exposure to roadways debris and nails etc.
  5. Load Index – It refers to the approx weight the tyres could bear. The tyres with load index of 94 means that they can be used for carrying a load of approx 1477 pounds. Owner’s manual should be consulted for this. Remember not to buy the tyres that fall below the recommended load index.
  6. Speed Rating – Tyres must be purchased as per the following speed ratings and the speed that you intend to drive at: N – <140, P – <150, Q – <160, R – <170, S – <180, T – <190, U – <200, H – <210, V – <240 and Z – >240. High speed tyres need to be purchased by the drives that take long highway trips.

All weather tyres have become the preferred choice of large numbers of vehicle owners. Energy rating, fuel efficiency, Wet grip and noise tolerance etc must also be considered well before choosing the tyres. Assistance from the expert professionals may be sought. Rates should also be looked into. Care should be taken to check the bills that must not include any hidden charges.